7 Expert Approved Tips to Take Care of Curly Hair

Curly hair is a true crown of beauty, but it can also be a challenge to maintain. If you’re a curly-haired individual, you know that keeping those curls looking their best requires some special care and attention. From protecting curls overnight to choosing the right shampoo and conditioner, there are a lot more things you have to do.

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with these 7 expert-approved tips to ensure your curly locks stay fabulous.

Understand Your Curly Hair Type

Before diving into a curly hair care routine, it’s essential to understand your curl type. Knowing your curl type will help you choose the right products and techniques for your hair. Research by the American Chemical Society shows that understanding your curl pattern can lead to 50% better hair care results.    

Hair professionals categorize curls into 3 major types:

  • Wavy (Type 2)
  • Curly (Type 3)
  • Coily (Type 4)

Further, these types are divided into the following subcategories.

Curl TypeCharacteristics
Type 22A: Fine and loosely formed waves that are easy to straighten.
2B: Waves with a more pronounced “S” shape, frizz-prone.
2C: Defined waves that can vary from loose to tighter curls.
Type 33A: Well-defined, springy curls with a shiny, voluminous look.
3B: Bouncy, ringlet-like curls that can vary in size.
3C: Tight, corkscrew curls, prone to frizz and shrinkage.
Type 44A: S-shaped coils with a dense, springy texture.
4B: Z-shaped coils with a tighter, less defined pattern.
4C: Extremely tight coils, often referred to as “kinky” hair.

Use the Right Chemical Free Shampoo

Overwashing can strip your hair of its natural oils, leaving it dry and frizzy. Experts recommend using a sulfate-free, moisturizing shampoo specifically designed for curly hair. Statistics indicate that people who use sulfate-free shampoos experience 30% less hair damage.

If you have dry or damaged curly hair, opt for a moisturizing shampoo. You can use it once or twice a week to infuse your hair with extra hydration and keep it soft and manageable.

Use a clarifying shampoo once a month or as needed to remove excess product build-up, hard water minerals, and pollutants. Be cautious not to overuse clarifying shampoos, as they can strip too much natural oil from your hair.

Avoid Excessive Heat Styling

7 Expert-Approved Tips to Take Care of Curly Hair

Excessive heat styling can damage your curls, causing them to lose their shape and become brittle. Embrace your natural texture and let your hair air-dry whenever possible. When you do need to use heat, always use a heat protectant spray to minimize damage.

A study in the International Journal of Annals of Dermatology found that using a heat protectant reduces hair damage by up to 50%.  

Editor’s Recommendation

Maintain the hair dryer temperature below 60°C at a distance of 15 cm and rotate in circular motion to avoid hair damage.

Use Right Haircare Products and Tools

The right hair tools can make a world of difference for curly hair care. A diffuser attachment for your hairdryer can help evenly distribute heat and define your curls. Additionally, a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush is essential for preventing breakage while styling.

AAD recommends detangling your curly hair before shampooing. If your hair is dry and frizzy, use conditioner to detangle your hair and then shampoo.

Another thing that may disturb your curl’s shine and health is dandruff. Apply the medicated anti-dandruff shampoo to your scalp not to the length of your hair. Wash after 3,4 minutes and then apply the moisturizing shampoo to the rest of the hair.

Wear a wide wide-brimmed hat while going in the sun to protect curls from UV damage.

Protect Your Curls Overnight

Dermatologists recommend protecting curls overnight is essential to preserve your styling efforts. Try making a loose high ponytail like the pineapple method or loose braid.

Cotton pillowcases can create friction and cause frizz, so switch to silk or satin pillowcases. These materials are gentler on your hair and help retain moisture. Research by the Sleep Foundation and Wimpole Clinic also found that silk pillowcases reduce hair breakage and frizz in curly hair.

7 Expert-Approved Tips to Take Care of Curly Hair

Regularly Trim Your Hair

Even though it might seem counterintuitive, regular trims are crucial for maintaining healthy curls. Trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks prevents split ends from traveling up the hair shaft, keeping your curls looking fresh and bouncy.

Collins recommends trimming your hair at least once every eight weeks. Michael Fuzailov says trimmed hair grows radiant and fast.  

Quick Tip

If you don’t want frequent trims, you can use argan and coconut oil to the split ends for moisturization and faster hair growth.

Select Styling Product Based on Your Hair Type and Texture

Styling product selection depends on your haircare needs. Consider what your hair needs most. Is it moisture, definition, frizz control, or volume?

If you have fine, wavy hair (Type 2A/B), opt for lightweight, volumizing mousse or a curl-enhancing spray. These products add definition without weighing down your hair.

If you have looser curls (Type 2C, 3A/B) or tighter curls (Type 3C, 4A/B/C), go for hydrating creams, leave-in conditioners, or curl-defining gels. These products provide moisture, control frizz, and enhance your natural curl pattern.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, taking care of your curly hair is a journey that begins with understanding your unique curl type and texture. Perfect styling products, sleeping measures, and chemical free shampoo can enhance your natural curls, ensuring they remain vibrant, healthy, and beautiful.  

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